Policies and Dress Code
Registration Fee:
There is a $30.00 non-refundable registration fee due upon enrollment along with the first month’s tuition. Registration fee increases to $40.00 after Sept. 30th. Second family members registration fee is discounted to $25.00 ($30.00 after Sept. 30th) all remaining family members are free.
Monthly Tuition Fees:
Tuition fees paid per family are based on a ten-month season divided into equal monthly payments. All tuition is due by the 7th of the month and is non-refundable. There is a $10 late fee after the 7th of the month if tuition is not paid. This fee increases to $15 after the 21st of the month. If tuition is not received by the end of the month then there is a $25 late fee. If a payment is not received in a period of 3 months then legal action will be required.
Payments for private lessons are due by the 15th of the following month. If payment is not received by the end of the month, then a $15 late fee will be applied.
Tuition is not reduced due to absences incurred by illness, family vacation, holidays, or snow days. If the studio receives a “returned check” the payee is required to pay a $35.00 bank charge per check as well as replace the tuition payment by cash or money order. We will send tuition reminders at the end of each month. If we do not receive your payment until after the 7th, then we will send a second reminder with the amount of the late fee that is to be added on to your account. Tuition, Costumes and Recital/Dress Rehearsal Fees are NON REFUNDABLE.
Payments for private lessons are due by the 15th of the following month. If payment is not received by the end of the month, then a $15 late fee will be applied.
Attending class on a regular basis is important in any educational learning experience. The consistency and repetition is necessary for proper training. Parents please contact the studio before class if your dancer is expected to be absent. If a child misses class and monthly tuition has been paid, the dancer is entitled to one make-up class for each missed class. A make-up class is any other class we offer for their age level. If you elect not to make up the missed class, it will not be credited to your next month’s tuition. We highly recommend that dancers take advantage of the make up classes in order to help them from falling behind.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up:
Students that are 8 years old and under need to be escorted by parent/guardian into the studio. All parents are responsible for making sure that their child safely enters our studio, regardless of their age. They are NOT allowed to be dropped off curbside with the assumption of M.A.C. staff being present. Please make sure to pick up your child on time. If we consistently have a child who is being picked up 10or more minutes late, then we will call the local authorities to escort them home. If you are going to be late, please contact the studio in advance. Unless your dancer is participating in a private lesson, dancers cannot be dropped off any earlier than 4:15pm Monday – Thursday and 8:15am on Saturdays.
Dress Code:
Please make sure your dancer is wearing the proper dance attire and shoes for each of their classes. This will ensure your dancer will get the proper training and corrections from teachers. If a student continuously disregards the dress code, they will be unable to participate in class.
Class Observation:
Parents, siblings and observers are not permitted in the classrooms at any time. Parents are able to watch their little dancer through our observation window located in the lobby. The studio will hold an observation week during the year, at this time parents and guests may sit in the classroom and experience their child’s progress first hand.
Minimum Class Requirement:
Classes may be cancelled or shortened if minimum enrollment is not met (5+ students).
Withdrawal Policy:
When a student will no longer be attending dance classes, it is the parent’s responsibility to officially withdraw the child from the class (within 15 days of the corresponding month) by emailing the studio. Until a student is officially withdrawn, the studio will consider them to be an active student in our dance program. The parent will continue to be financially responsible for tuition up until the exact date that The M.A.C. receives the email.
Studio Closings/Snow Days:
In case of inclement weather or other event please check your email, our voicemail and/or website regarding closings. Closings may also be found on Channel 5 & Fox 2 News. There is no refund when the studio must close.
M.A.C. Etiquette:
All students and parents will be respectful at all times to the studio, instructors, other students and parents. Profanity, negative attitudes, and gossiping should not be said on any social media site or brought into the studio. We ask that you please clean up any messes that you have created and respect all M.A.C.’s property. Students are not allowed to be left unattended. There is no running, tumbling or horseplay allowed outside or in the lobby. This will ensure the safety of your children. While classes are in session, please do not open the dance room doors or tap on the observation window. It can be disruptive to the dancers and staff participating in class.
Annual Dance Recital:
All dance students have the opportunity to perform on stage in our annual dance recital. Information packets are available in April/May. They will include costume info; show dates, class pictures, and other important details. Due to the many hectic deadlines we endure in the spring (costume arrival, costume distribution, picture day, etc) we collect costume money early in the New Year. You will be asked in the early spring if your child will be participating in the show. If you choose not to participate, you must inform the front desk in a timely manner. If the M.A.C. is not informed a costume will be ordered for your child and you will be responsible for the costume fee. If the MAC is not informed within 8 weeks of the recital performance the dancer is responsible for his/her dress rehearsal/recital fee. Parents are required to pay for all costuming needs for the performance with the understanding that it will become their property upon completion of payment. Account balances must be current in order to participate in the dance recital. *Late fee policies are also applied to costumes.
Family Discount:
If you have more than one dancer enrolled, the second child’s total tuition will be discounted 20%. If you have three or more children that are enrolled their tuition is discounted 50%. Discounts only apply to tuition.
Understanding the Polices and MAC Waiver:
By signing the registration form upon enrollment, I understand and agree to all MAC Dance policies, procedures, limitations and rules. I also understand that by signing this contract, no legal action of any kind can be taken against MAC Dance, its owners, employees, or any other third parties associated with MAC Dance.